Try Out These Vegan Recipes After Your Next Farmers Market Visit

Spring may be coming to a close, but Farmers Markets are just opening up! Begin the season by trying out some of these recipes, each of which features at least one ingredient that we love picking up locally. Read now to see which vegan recipes you should try after your next farmers market visit.
For this recipe, we’re highlighting one of our favorite ingredients – local berries. Because berries perish easily and quickly, they need to be shipped the quickly from farm to distribution center - often via air freight and from international sources. This form of transportation quickly burns fossil fuels, leaving tons of unnecessary pollution in its wake, and takes away from the domestic farmer. Since berries are also best consumed quickly for optimum flavor anyway, why not pick up your next batch from someone local?
Vegan Recipes With Berries
Acai Berry Bowl
Strawberry Poppy Seed Crumble (to keep it vegan, we recommend substituting Earth Balance Vegan Butter for regular butter)
Peanut Butter Banana Waffles With Blueberry Macadamia Cream
If you’re getting tired of your standard orange carrots, then it’s time to start stocking up on this ingredient at your local farmers market. Not only do most markets carry more varieties than what you find in the store, but white and purple-hued varieties often contain more antioxidants than the traditional orange shade. Since carrots often need to be shipped long distances to groceries, you can also give yourself a pat on the back by knowing that you’re not part of the greenhouse-gas emissions associated with mass carrot production.
Vegan Recipes With Carrots
Kale & Spinach Salad with Zoodled Apples and Carrots
Carrot Soup
Carrot Coconut Pancakes
It doesn’t get more versatile than an artichoke, which can be used in everything from dips and salads to pasta and steak. They can take a little work to prepare, but they’re worth it - and since spring is when the main harvest takes place, now is the time to pick them up. This article recommends looking for artichokes with tight, compact leaves and fresh-cut stems…and once you pick them, we recommend chopping them up for the recipes listed below!
Vegan Recipes With Artichokes
Vegan Spinach and Artichoke Pasta Bake
Spaghetti Squash With Vegan Spinach Artichoke Cream Sauce
Artichoke Arancini